Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Grow Medical Marijuana like a Pro

How to Grow Medical Marijuana like a Pro

To become a pro at growing cannabis, your basic foundation must be guaranteed to be strong first. Hence, knowing what the basic considerations are and strongly implementing them throughout the entire growing period is what will further make you knowledgeable as a pro. Once it has been established, you need to get a license for you to start with the production. It is only when you receive the license when you can fully start setting up everything you need to grow this plant. Once you do, don’t forget to implement the basic learning you obtained, which may include the following:
Everything you need to know about this Michigan medical marijuana growing venture, you can visit

When Choosing and Buying the Seeds

Choosing the seeds for you to plant only has one consideration. That is to select the strain that will help manage the symptoms of your health condition. Be reminded that there are many strains available which are based on a range of varieties, including Indica, Hybrid and Sativa. To ensure that you are picking the right strain, do an extensive research first.
When growing medical marijuana, make sure that the plants are getting about 16 hours of sunlight if planted in a greenhouse or indoors. For this necessity to be met, you will need to install high-pressure sodium bulb for the plant’s initial growth. Different light cycle duration is also needed, which are 18/6 for vegetation and 12/12 for flowering stages.
Seed Germination
There are plenty of possible ways to germinate seeds. The first method is simply filling a cup using warm water where the seeds are to be dropped. Then, the cup/s needs to be placed in a dark place for 1-3 days. Once you see that white root that is popping out from the seed, it means that they are ready to be planted. The second method is by using a moist paper towel. Put the seeds in the moist paper towel, and fold it then store in a dark place for 1-3 days.
Pot Planting
Once the seeds have germinated, the next step is to plant them in small pots which are filled with soil that is unfertilized. Add some perlite to oxygenate its roots. Start watering the soil and then drop the seeds in a hole that is about half an inch.
Planting in the Right Conditions
Let the seeds stay in these small pots for about two weeks. Ensure that they are getting enough sunlight throughout the duration, which should be 18 hours/day. When growing indoors, make sure to install fluorescent lights and the room temperature must be moderate, about 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Plus, have a fan close to the plant to help in strengthening its stalk fibers.
Transferring the Plants into Larger Pots
Once two weeks end, it is time to move the plants into larger pots, which should be about five gallons in size. Fill the pots with one inch peat moss followed by organic potting soil. Mix a specific measure of the nitrogen fertilizer for growth support. Make a hole and place the plant and fill it with soil gently. Don’t forget to water the soil gradually.
Growth and Harvest Time
After transferring the plants into bigger pots, they will require getting 16-24 hours of sunlight every day. They need to be watered as well every time it feels and looks dry. After a few weeks, their light time can be reduced to 12 hours/day for the plants to start flowering. The remaining 12 hours should be spent in darkness. Reaching 8-12 weeks signifies the harvest time. You will know that it is time for the medical marijuana to be harvested once its hair turns redish brown and the trichomes have turned completely milky.
If you wish to know more about how to grow marijuana professionally, and everything you need to know about this Michigan medical marijuana growing venture, you can visit Tons of videos about the subject can be found there, enough to guide you into growing your own marijuana garden like a pro.


  1. Reasonable advice but not the best, read a few guides to get a general feel and go for it. Live n learn pirates

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