Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to achieve uniform THC and CBD results with the use of UVA UVB lighting.

How to achieve uniform THC and CBD results with the use of UVA UVB lighting.

Here is a quick update about how to achieve a uniform consistency when using UVA UVB lighting to grow medical marijuana.

Based on my last two years of testing I have found that using UVA UVB lighting will increase THC % by 3-5% on average.

Additionally we found where the light is placed makes a big difference as well as where the sample taken for testing or consumption also makes a noticeable difference. 

The lighting must be over top of plants and only the part of the plant receiving direct lighting from the UVA UVB bulbs increases. Which means the bigger the plant the more UVB UVA lighting you will need. Nowhere else on the plant does it show any increases in potency other than where the light is directly applied.

Also the location of the cutting taken for testing or consumption varies 3-5% as well. With this information it is possible that the top 6 inches of the plant could be 6-10% higher in THC than the lower branches.

Using the UVA UVB lighting in vedge or seed stage makes no difference on potency only some minor leaf curl is noticed if used in bloom only. All new leaves will adjust and not show any curling.

SCROG For Best UVA UVB Light Coverage And Uniformity

Based on this knowledge it would be best to grow medical marijuana plants in a technique called SCROG or screen of green. 

Basically you are growing a plant out wide not tall. A plant could be five feet wide but only 12- 18 inches tall. What this does is allow all the light to be used by the plant evenly and uniformly. This will eliminate the huge variance in THC and CBD potency. It will also eliminate all those small airy, fluffy flowers that are no good to consume other than maybe edibles. Resulting in large easy to trim flowers that all have the same flavor, taste, smell, hardness, density, potency and bag appeal.

 It also allows you to increase your yield by at least double if not more while growing fewer plants. This is a benefit if you live in a state where the legal limit of plant count is very low. To achieve this plants will need to be vedged longer and allowed to get fuller and taller. Top and crop as much as possible to make the plant short and wide.

Here is an example of a five foot SCROG set up in a 20 gal pot grown in a soil or soilless media. The pot size can be dropped to a 10 gallon or 15 gallon size with similar results.

It is my hope that all my research and testing will benefit everyone as well as advance the growth and knowledge of the industry resulting in better medicine and less chronic pain patients loaded up on highly addictive pain killers.